Study on the melt tension behavior of polyolefinic terblends to improve the processability of polypropylene

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assosiate Professor of Chemistry, Payame Noor University, Iran.

2 M.A in Chemistry, Payame Noor University, Iran.


Considering the good properties and price, PP (polypropylene) is a very important organic polymer with a wide application. However, because of its low elasticity and poor melt strength, the process is difficult to handle. In this work, the effect of blending with HDPE and EPDM on the high temperature properties of PP was studied. PP/HDPE/EPDM terblends having various compositions was prepared then the hot tensile and sagging tests were performed. The effects of composition, temperature and load speed were evaluated. Hot stress-strain behavior proved that at every temperature and speed, blending improved the properties of PP. All blends had the better elastic modulus, tensile strength and post yield modulus; hence the better processability than PP. The changes in temperature and load speed also affected the results. The sagging trend was improved in several blends as well. Totally, the blending will promoted the hot tension and the melt strength of PP.


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