Guide for Authors

Files needed to download


Authors' commitment form (letter to the editor)

Conflict of interest form

Author profile form

The original file form of the article without including the names of the authors



How to Submit an Article:


Submitting an article is exclusively possible through the electronic system of the journal at


Please refrain from visiting in-person or contacting by phone. If you have any questions, please send an email to the journal ( Your email will be reviewed and responded to within 48 business hours.


Important notes before submitting an article:


The topic of submitted articles should be within the scope of the journal and have a research nature and the result of the author(s)' research work.


Articles derived from student theses and dissertations with the name of the supervisor, advisors, and students and with the approval of the supervisor and their responsibility will be published.


In addition to the subject matter being within the specialized domain of the journal, the article or any part of it should not have been under review or published in any other journal inside or outside the country, or be simultaneously submitted to other journals. Articles presented as abstracts at conferences, symposiums, and internal and external seminars that have been published can be presented in the form of a complete article.


The official language of the journal is Persian.


Translated articles from other languages will not be accepted.


The journal is free to reject or accept, edit, summarize, or modify accepted articles.


The scientific accuracy and opinions presented in the article are the responsibility of the corresponding author, and the publication of the article does not mean the approval of all of its contents.


Please read the guidelines for preventing scientific theft and fraud under this page and the frequently asked questions accurately.


The original copies of rejected or withdrawn articles will be removed from the journal's archives after six months, and the journal will not be responsible for them.


Research and review articles from experienced authors in specialized fields will be accepted only if they are based on credible sources and have special innovations.


The typesetting of the submitted articles must be done in Microsoft Word 2010 environment, on A4 paper, double-column, with the spacing and font provided in the original article file without the authors' names. In case of changes in the journal's printing format, the recommended format will be sent.


The punctuation marks in the text should be observed. For example, putting a space before a period (.), comma (,), and question mark (?) is not necessary, but after them, inserting a space is mandatory.


All pages of the article, including pages with figures, tables, and images, should have a consistent format and page number, and the maximum size of the research and review articles, along with tables and charts, should not exceed 2500 and 4000 words, respectively.


Please send only the four mentioned files in the required files section for the journal and use the formatting mentioned in these files. (Author Commitment Form, Conflict of Interest Form, Author Information Form, Main Article File without Authors' Names). Important note: When uploading files to the system, you may be asked to send images and tables separately. Please send only the four files mentioned above, regardless of this issue. Images, tables, and diagrams should be placed in the text of the article and in the nearest distance to the first reference.


Figures and diagrams of the article must be original and have good quality. The original file of the figures should be presented in the form of an image file or (JPEG) with a real resolution of 300 dpi in the text of the article.


Articles are exclusively received through the journal's website and articles submitted by letter or email to the journal will not be considered.


The certificate of acceptance of the article will be issued after completing the review and editing stages and final approval by the editorial board, by the editor-in-chief of the journal, and will be sent to the corresponding author for information.


Journal Focus Areas:


Organic compound synthesis

Computational organic chemistry

Natural compound chemistry

Polymer and biopolymer chemistry

Biocatalysis and enzymatic transformations of organic and natural compounds

Pharmaceutical chemistry

Catalysts and biocatalysts

Synthesis of nanomaterials and their applications


Guidelines for preventing scientific theft and fraud

Upon submission of an article to the Payame Noor University journal management system, all authors of the article will be notified by email. The inclusion of authors' names in the article is essential to recognize their contribution to the research. If authors did not contribute to the article and their names were misused, they should report this immediately via the received email. All authors of the article are responsible for the authenticity of the work. The right to evaluate cases of scientific theft and to discredit the article rests with the journal authorities.


After submitting an article to the journal system, under no circumstances will the first author's position, responsibility, or the number of authors change.


Scientific theft can take various forms, including:


  1. Registering someone else's article under one's own name;
  2. Including the names of authors and researchers who did not contribute to the article;
  3. Copying or repeating significant portions of someone else's article (if the copied article belongs to one of the authors of the new article, this is also considered plagiarism);
  4. Presenting the results of other people's research as one's own;
  5. Repeatedly publishing an article with similar content by the same author in several journals;
  6. Stating incorrect results and scientific findings or manipulating research data.


Cases of scientific theft are dealt with legally by the journal authorities based on the degree of plagiarism, as follows:


The article will be rejected, and if published on the journal's website, it will be removed under any circumstances.

The names of all authors of the article will be listed on the Payame Noor University journal blacklist.

Legal action will be pursued with relevant judicial authorities, including disciplinary councils and legal authorities.

A formal letter will be sent to other universities and domestic and foreign journals related to the plagiarism case.

A formal letter will be sent to the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, the Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC), the author's workplace, universities, institutions, journals, and any place where the authors have used the publication credit for this article to inform them of the plagiarism case.

This journal respects the ethical rules of publications and follows the Executive Regulations of the Law on Prevention and Counteracting of Scientific Fraud in Scientific Works (COPE).