A Practical and Facile Synthesis of Parkinson’s Disease Drug Levodopa

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


An efficient process for the synthesis of levodopa, one of the most potent drugs for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, has been developed. The synthesis rout was accomplished from inexpensive and commercially available raw materials and consists of two general steps. First Friedel Crafts acylation of amino acid l-tyrosine in ortho position in presence of zinc oxide powder and Acetyl chloride was occured and then Dakin oxidation of the ortho carbonyl group to hydroxyl group using hydrogen peroxide and sodium hydroxide was taken place. The overall yield was found 70% which is reasonable for industrial scale compare to other reported methods. Purification of the product was done very easy and efficient. As mentioned above the second step Dakin oxidation was completed in water. It means 50% of the process is environmentally friendly.


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